Quebecor Inc
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Phone number: +1 514-380-1999




Quebecor Inc Corporate Office Address
612 St Jacques St, Montreal, QC H3C 4M8, Canada

Quebecor Inc Customer Service Phone Numbers

Customer service: +1 514-380-1999


Quebecor Inc Headquarters Info, Email, Phone number, Website and live chat Information

Quebecor Inc. is a communications company based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was spelled Quebecor in both English and French until May 2012, when shareholders voted to add the acute accent, Québecor, in French only.

If you searching for Quebecor Inc Customer Service Number, you are at the right place. In this post, we have provided a list of Quebecor Inc Customer Service Phone Numbers. You can call Quebecor Inc Customer Support the Quebecor Inc 800 Phone Number given here and solve your queries.


Quebecor Inc Corporate Office Address: 612 St Jacques St, Montreal, QC H3C 4M8, Canada

Headquarters Email :

Quebecor Inc Corporate Office phone number : 514 380-1999

Corporate Fax Number: 514 954-0052

headquarters website: Click here

Discussion forum: Click here


Quebecor Inc International Customer Service numbers

Canada and the U.S: N/A
United-Kingdom :  N/A
Mexico: N/A
Netherlands: N/A


How to Contact Quebecor Inc TOLL FREE 1-800 NUMBER

List of numbers for Quebecor Inc Customer care and support

Quebecor Inc customer care number : +1 514-380-1999

Support number : n/a


Quebecor Inc Executive Team

Pierre Karl Péladeau: President & CEO
Jean-François Pruneau: Senior VP & CFO
Manon Brouillette: President & CEO of Videotron Ltd
J. Serge Sasseville: Senior Vice President of Corporate & Institutional Affairs
France Lauzière: Chief Content Officer of Quebecor Content


Quebecor Inc Application download

Android app download for Quebecor Inc

Quebecor Inc IOS app download


Quebecor Inc Services

  • Television distribution
  • Internet access
  • Business solutions
  • Cable and mobile telephony
  • Over-the-top video services
  • Engages in the rental of movies,
  • Televisual products


Quebecor Inc history

The company was founded in 1965 by Pierre Péladeau and remains run by his family. Quebecor Inc. owns 81% of Quebecor Media and formerly owned the printing company Quebecor World.

Quebecor is the story of a young Francophone businessman from Québec who, in the midst of the Quiet Revolution, dreamed of building a communications empire on which the sun would never set.


Resource: WikipediaQuebecor Inc

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See More: Great Canadian Customer Service Phone Numbers

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Quebecor Inc
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